Two suspects are arrested by the police. The police have insufficient evidence for a conviction, and, having separated both prisoners, visit each of them to offer the same deal. If one testifies (defects from the other) for the prosecution against the other and the other remains silent (cooperates with the other), the betrayer goes free and the silent accomplice receives the full 10-year sentence. If both remain silent, both prisoners are sentenced to only six months in jail for a minor charge. If each betrays the other, each receives a five-year sentence. Each prisoner must choose to betray the other or to remain silent. Each one is assured that the other would not know about the betrayal before the end of the investigation. How should the prisoners act?
These choices can be summarized in the following table:
Prisoner B Stays Silent | Prisoner B Betrays | |
Prisoner A Stays Silent | Each serves 6 months | Prisoner A: 10 years Prisoner B: goes free |
Prisoner A Betrays | Prisoner A: goes free Prisoner B: 10 years | Each serves 5 years |
The GOP presents its base with a similarly cruel choice. Only their most delusional Kool-Aid drinkers could call them the party of small government, minimal regulation, low taxes (deficits have to be paid for eventually), and personal freedom. They certainly have had their (brief) moments in certain areas - the Contract For America comes to mind (that lasted about two years) as did the Reagan presidency (which had several benefits at the cost of an increased national debt). One must keep in mind that Reagan was not in any way the choice of the GOP leaders - they wanted George H.W. Bush to be the 1980 nominee. So if one is a conservative or libertarian the GOP represents, at best, the lesser of two evils. There are other, smaller parties out there that would provide far better governance if brought to power, but the fear is that voting for them will split the vote and allow the Democrats to take control (and, ummm, how's that logic working for you right this minute?).
So our current State of the Union is thus:
Twoprisonersvoters are given a choice of parties. Each of these parties promises low taxes, small government, and personal liberties, but the large, dominant party is known to lie like a rug. If one voter votes according to their principles and the other cowers in fear and votes for the party they know will betray them, then the evil progressives win and they get 10% closer to socialism or fascism (take your pick). If both voters chicken out and vote for the Party of Betrayal, then they'll only get 5% closer to socialism / fascism. If both voters stick to their guns (in the most literal sense) and vote for a Party with Principles, then they are rewarded with 10% less government. Each one is assured that the other would not know about the betrayal before the end of theinvestigationelection. How should theprisonersvoters act?
Voter A votes GOP | Voter A votes 3rd Party | |
Voter B votes GOP | GOP wins - 5% more gub'mint | Dems win - 10% more butter / 10% less guns |
Voter B votes 3rd Party | Dems win - 10% more socialism / fascism | 3rd Party wins - 10% more freedom |
One would think this is a no-brainer - Electing the GOP versus electing the Democrats gets you the same results, just not as quickly. To pretend otherwise is to engage in a spectacular display of willful ignorance of very recent history (take Bush - either one - please!). The only thing that keeps the GOP relevant is fear, and that fear is mostly irrational... but that's a topic for another post.
Update: If it makes you feel any better, the progressives feel the same way about the Democratic Party. It seems that nobody outside of DC is terribly well-represented.
Update 2: I've never gotten what exactly it is that causes a group of people who ostensibly fear and loathe the corruption that occurs when power is concentrated and centralized in Washington DC to be so willing to ignore and even go so far as to embrace the exact same phenomenon when it occurs in a political party.
Ahh... the $800 bajillion dollar stimulus bill passes the house. All 177 Republicans and a dozen or so Democrats oppose it. And the crowd goes wild!
Too bad the Republicans are a few years late and just under $1,800,000,000,000 short (Republicans bail out their Wall Street pals + Democrats buy themselves a couple million more votes). Nice to know the party’s representatives in Washington found their cajones when all they could offer was a meaningless gesture that didn’t even create a speed-bump in the house. Actually, never mind - meaningless gestures don’t require any guts. They’re just sucking up to try to salvage what’s left of their power, and their base is positively swooning over it. Pathetic.
What did their sudden discovery of fiscal responsibility accomplish? Exactly, precisely nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Losers who go around signing Internet petitions accomplished more than this.
But whose fault is this really? The congresscritters? Bush? Try the Republican base. They keep voting these ballot leeches back in - despite their miserable budgetary performances - year after year after year because of the abject terror of losing any ground on other issues. "Vote for us or gays will marry and babies will get aborted! Liberal judges will tell filthy hippies it's ok to smoke weed!" (Disclaimer: I'm actually for two of these four issues). Everyone just sort of forgot that when you spend the country into the ground, fail to stop the insane lending requirements that created the housing bubble, and then tell everyone you're regulating Wall Street when you're ummm... not... you create crisis that end up getting you voted out. Am I smoking crack, or did the Republicans control the House, Senate, and Presidency just a few years ago? They had full control; they could have fixed these things. Democrats may have created some of these policies, and share much of the blame, but doing nothing to solve these issues makes the Republicans their dim-witted co-conspirators. Responsibility for these problems falls on them, and now the monetary chickaaaahns.... are comin' home..... to roost! And you're still going to get gays marrying (fine with me) and drive-through partial-birth abortions for 12-year-olds without parental notification (not so cool with that). That's what sacrificing your principles and voting out of fear gets you.
Vote every single one of ‘em out and start over. Or better yet, just dump the Republican party and go somewhere else.